Goosey falls madly in love with Muriel

Featuring: The Goose God

Brilliant, beautiful classical music in this episode about a Goose God who descends from the clouds, and falls in love with Muriel. In a beautiful scene, he proclaims his love for her with a gift...Goosey makes the entire barren land surrounding the farm blossom with thousands of beautiful flowers!
But Muriel, though flattered, proclaims "I'm already spoken for!" A battle of love ensues between Goosey and Courage, with the cowardly dog doing his best to make Muriel believe that Eustace is the one who really loves her, and Goosey pulling every magic trick in the book to win her over...until he hears the honk of the horn in Eustace's truck, and decides his love was misguided! The Goose God finally returns to his home in the clouds with his one true love...Eustace's truck!

What's a goose god to do?  He descends from the clouds with gifts for Muriel
Out of  love for Muriel, Goosey makes the farm bloom with flowers  Muriel says she's flattered...but "spoken for"