Featuring: Benton Tarentella
One day, a stranger shows up on the doorstep
of the farmhouse, introducing himself as "Benton Tarentella,
the famous independent film director", explaining he wants
to shoot a zombie film right there at the house, and promising
Eustace he'll pay "tons of money". Benton is excitedly
welcomed by Muriel, pooh-poohed by Eustace, and scrutinized by
Courage...who notices a few peculiar things about Benton...like
the decayed skin, sunken eyes, skeleton-like body, and other
little things like body parts dropping off on their own (which
Benton picks up and reattaches!).
Through some fast research on his computer, Courage discovers
that Benton and his partner, Erroll Van Volkheim, were a pair of
serial killers who posed as independent filmmakers, luring their
victims to their doom! Caught and jailed, Van Volkheim was
released on "good behavior", while Tarentella died in
prison. Benton has returned from beyond death to revive his
partner...whose grave is in the cellar of the farmhouse!
Promising Muriel a part in the film as the victim of the zombie
sacrifice, she's tied to a table, with Eustace acting as the
cameraman, while Courage gets locked in a trunk. Van Volkheim
rises from the floor of the cellar, ready to join Benton in
devouring Muriel! But Courage once again manages to save the day:
Benton is such a stickler for following the script, Courage
merely rewrites the ending, and the two zombie filmmakers return
to the grave they came from...arguing back and forth!
What Courage's
computer shows him
The horrifying